Still Short

If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of not having enough money to pay your bills, then you understand the panic that threatens as the due date speeds ever closer.  Now multiply that need by about 11,000, and you can get an idea of where my dear friends, the Fergusons are in their adoption process right now.  This family that has been such a tremendous help and support to us in our adoption is at the very end of their journey, as they are scheduled to travel to China on Thursday to bring home these two beautiful treasures:

And they are still short about $11,000.  I know their faith is strong that the Lord is going to meet this seemingly impossible need, and I am standing right bedside them in faith.  But I am asking you, as their friends, or total strangers but brothers and sisters in Christ, WILL YOU HELP?????  They need to be fully funded by the end of business tomorrow in order to have the money necessary to travel on Thursday.  I know many of you gave during our birthday fundraiser in December, and I thank you all.  But if you didn't give then, or you can give more now, you would be a part in giving these two darlings the family they so deserve.  Maybe you can only give $5.  Give it.  It helps.  Maybe you can give more.  Let's stand together with this family and bring these babies home!!!  You can donate right here:  Ferguson Paypal.  Thank you for your generosity!!!!!


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